Shingo Model & Workshops

Utilizamos o Shingo Model como abordagem de trabalho na Transformação Organizacional das Empresas, guiado por 10 princípios orientadores a fim de obter resultados de KPIs ( Key Performance Indicators) e KBIs ( Key Behavior Indicators).

Objetivo dos Workshops: ensinar a liderança enxergar comportamentos a fim de promover uma cultura de melhoria, atuando no propósito, processos e pessoas de sua empresa. Os workshops tem uma abordagem dinâmica para ensino de adultos com conceitos, exercícios em grupo e go & observe nas áreas da empresa que sedia o workshop.

Temos facilitadores Shingo certificados que atuam na Gati Consultoria.

Objetivo dos Workshops:
ensinar a liderança enxergar comportamentos para excelência organizacional.

Muitas empresas buscam também do Prêmio Shingo, e a Gati Consultoria pode apoiar a empresa na busca da premiação, através de apoio de consultoria na sua Transformação Organizacional e preparo dos documentos necessários ao Instituto Shingo, antes do Assessment dos Examinadores Shingo.

Existem 3 níveis de Shingo Prêmio que podem ser obtidos por uma empresa


Shingo Bronze Medallion

The Shingo Bronze Medallion is awarded to organizations that are at the developmental stage as it relates to principles, systems, tools, and results. Behaviors and measures are identified, and the organization is working toward stability in both. Progress is made with respect to frequency, intensity, duration, scope, and role of the behaviors evident in the organizational culture.

Shingo Silver Medallion

The Shingo Silver Medallion is awarded to organizations that are well along the transformation path and heading in an appropriate direction as it relates to principles, systems, tools, and results. Behaviors and measures show results from a focus on key systems. Significant progress has been made with respect to frequency, intensity, duration, scope, and role of the behaviors evident in the organizational culture.

Shingo Prize

The Shingo Prize is awarded to organizations that have robust key systems driving behavior close to ideal, as informed by the principles of organizational excellence, and supported by strong key performance indicator and key behavioral indicator trends and levels. Shingo Prize recipients show the greatest potential for sustainability as measured by the frequency, intensity, duration, scope, and role of the behaviors evident in the organizational culture.